Art Camp Collective was born out of a love of textiles.  New, old, woven, printed, embroidered, embellished, we love them all.  But our biggest love affair is the floral print.  Find us painting alongside the nearest body of water--whether a river, a lake or the sea.

Our Story

One day a group of textile designers got together and said "wouldn't it be nice to paint more often?".  So we do.  In addition to the three primary artists listed here, a few talented others join in when they can.  Our goal is to get more time creating art that elicits passion.  In searching for a name for our band of artists, a combination of initials led to "camp"---after which was an "ah-ha" moment.  Let it be like camp--free, creative, with the world at our fingertips.


Website photo credits to Kelly Wurster, Kathleen Ryan and Michelle Wise.